The Secret Teaching Of All Ages

To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books..

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Di'tag' oleh Cik Syira..

semalam aku bukak2 fb tgk2 cik insyira telah menge'tag' aku
di blog spankuning nye itu..
so aku kena la mnjawab soklan2 yg ditujukan..
but..there are rules that must be followed!

First are the Rules.

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
6. No tag back!
7. No stuff in the tagging section about 'YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS' YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WILL ALL HONESTLY) have tagged 11 people.

okeh!aku sudah sedia..

11 things about me~

- Nama aku Rafidah Abdul Rashid,

or you can call me Fida Cumil (most pleasure)..HAHAH!

-Aku org tepeng,perak..

tak pernah pindah negeri lain lagi sejak lahir..woooohooo~

-Aku suka berkawan dgn semua org, and i'm a talkative person..

tapi kadang2 aku boleh jadi pemalu + pendiam dgn otomatik nye..

-Bila aku dh bercakap, takde sape boleh stop aku,
dan aku tak pandai buat ringkasan cerita (bak kata mak aku).. HAHAH!
*so better don't let me start talking*

-Senang sgt percayakan org *sbb tu senang kne tipu*..
but,once dh kne tipu, smpai bila2 aku tanak cayer org tu lagi~..

-Aku suke warna orange..and red..and white..and yellow..
ermm,sbnrnye aku suka bnyk warna..warna-warni pon suke~

-Sangat geram bila nmpak barang2 comel! and suke kumpul barang2 comel itu,haha..
plus, org2 yg comel pon aku geram jugak!
contohnye babies,of course!..
and girls yg cantik wajah dan cantik budi pekertinya,suke2!

-Aku minat sgt cter KOREA! sbb romantik!
dan slalu jugak mnghabiskan air mata kt cter korea jer..wuuuuu~

-Kadang2 aku boleh jadi sgt sensitif dan sgt senang tersentuh di hati,
and hobi aku, menangis..hahaha! *tipu*

-Seriously paling tak suke kena marah..
*so,jgn la sesape marah aku eh,thehehehe..*

-Aku ni rendah juge org nye, so aku bertekad utk
mndapatkan future husband yg sgt tnggi! *hihihi...~ chuweet tak?*

Now, masa utk mnjawab soklan2 dari cik insyira @ syirot,hihi!

1.How do you know the girl named Nurul Insyira?
Macam mane kite berkenalan yer?lupe jap..
kalau tak silap 1st time jumpa kt Taiping Sentral,

masa fida kuar ngan nad & pipoh..
then jumpe geng2 convent..

and start lebih mngenali kamu di asasi Puncak Alam..^,^

2.What activity do u hate the most?
Hate the most? not so sure la..
aktiviti sukan mungkin..haha!

Have u planned your future at least 5 years from now?
Of course!

4.Korean, Jepun, Taiwan, which do u prefer?

Single or in a relationship? your answer must be either ONE ONLY. =p
Ermm...Single for now..but will be in a relationship with my hubby later..HAHA!like2!

6.What do u think of people wearing braces?
When word 'braces' appear, suddenly teringat pipah!haha..jgn marah yer,pip..
i think they're cute!and unique~ hehe..

7.Cute, short, rich guy or manly, tall, not so rich guy?
I'll choose manly,tall, not so rich..
but, not so rich means still have money right?HAHA..

8.If the wife is a doctor, the husband better is a doctor OR engineer? why? AHAHHAHAHA~
ni soklan khas utk syira kannnn~~~
ermm,better engineer kot..
sbb klau dua2 doc cam bosan jer..*yeke?*
plus,klau both doc, dua2 akan bz and takde masa utk each other..
so,syira,carik la engineer sorg~ HAHAHAHHA~

9.Do u really enjoyed the course u are taking rite now?

10.If u are given 1 day to be in someone's body, who will he/she be and why?
Mungkin fida akan pilih syira!
sbb nak merasa mcm mana duduk negara org
and nk rasa ape perasaan blajar medic..hihih..

11.Awak sayang saya? xD

Soalan dari FIDA!

1.Fida comel ke tak?hahahahah~

2.Kita ade kenangan terindah tak?klau ade ape?..

3.Crush awak nama ape yer?hihihi..

4.Suke ciri2 lelaki yg bagaimana sbgai future husband?

5.Bercadang utk berkahwin umur?

6.Orang yg paling disayangi selain family..

7.Paling suke pakaian jenama ape?

8.Nama kereta idaman?

9.Menarik,pelik,or misteri..pilih salah 1 ciri yg ada pada anda..

10.Ape perbezaan antara jiwang dan romatik?atau sama je pada pndangan anda?

11.Darah anda jenis?

itu sahajer setakat ini..
mahu tag Wa'a, Pipah, Intan, Diba ..
tak smpai 11 org tak pe tak?
cukup leteeewww..

till then,Salam..

p/s : yeay!esok balik tepeng lagik~ raya haji sedang mendekati~

1 comment:

waazalimah wahid said...

tengs :) amoi soklan die. mencabar >_______________<